
Next training

Date and time June 2025.
Location     Online / BigBlueButton platform of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity
  Check your network connection to BigBlueButton here.
Objective Master the risk analysis tool MONARC.
Description This training has the objective to efficiently learn the use of the risk assessment tool MONARC. It explains its main functionalities and the different steps of the associated method. At the end of the training people would be able to conduct a risk analysis using MONARC as described in the ISO 27005.
Audience Risk Managers
Level required Basic
Language English English
Extra requirements A laptop is required
Training materials Workshop MONARC   English Français Dutch
Context MyCompany English Français
MyPrint workshop      English Français
Video example, compatible only with v2.13.1 English
Check out the community training materials.
Price Free

Is going to be available 1 month before the event (by the end of May 2025).

Past Trainings

Date Location Language Presentation material
2024-09-18 BigBlueButton platform of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity English
2023-12-06 BigBlueButton platform of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity English
2023-05-31 BigBlueButton platform of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity English
2022-12-07 BigBlueButton platform of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity English
2022-09-29 BigBlueButton platform of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity French
2022-04-19 BigBlueButton platform of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity English
2021-12-16 BigBlueButton platform of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity French
2021-09-29 BigBlueButton platform of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity English
2021-04-14 BigBlueButton platform of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity French
2020-12-03 BigBlueButton platform of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity English
2020-09-23 BigBlueButton platform of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity French
2020-04-28 BigBlueButton platform of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity English
2020-02-13 Centre de crise - Belgium French
2020-02-12 Centre de crise - Belgium English
2019-12-02 C3 - Luxembourg French
2019-08-18 C3 - Luxembourg English
2019-06-12 Approach - Belgium English
2019-03-28 C3 - Luxembourg French
2018-12-19 C3 - Luxembourg English
2018-09-04 C3 - Luxembourg English
2018-03-27 SPF BOSA - Belgium English
2018-03-08 C3 - Luxembourg English
2018-02-27 SPF BOSA - Belgium French
2017-11-07 C3 - Luxembourg French
2017-04-25 C3 - Luxembourg French
2017-04-25 C3 - Luxembourg English

Community training / materials