
Installation of MONARC

Different options are available to install MONARC.

Source code

The source code of MONARC is available on GitHub.

For installation instructions from the source code see here.

A bundle is also available as an archive (.tar.gz) here. This archive contains the core MONARC backend and the frontend (with dependencies).

Virtual machine

If you would like to test MONARC and don’t want to do an installation, a virtual machine for VirtualBox is available.

Import the image by either just double-click on the .ova
file (if VirtualBox is associated with .ova files) or launch VirtualBox and
click on *File* -> *Import appliance*.

More detailed instructions are available [here](


Deploy MONARC with Vagrant. Vagrant is convenient to use in order to setup your development environment.


Deploy the whole architecture with Ansible. Use this method only if you want to use a back office.

Usage of MONARC

With your Web browser:

  • go to the address (depending on your configuration and the installation method)
  • Login: admin@admin.localhost
  • Password: admin

Import a risk analysis demo

  1. Create a risk analysis
  2. Download the risk analysis file (MyPrint FR) or (MyPrint EN)
  3. Import JSON file

Having troubles?

Have a look at the section of common issues. If you do not find your answer, ask the community.